
Friday, April 27, 2012

Peace Club submission for Global Art for Peace 2012

This is a photo of the piece of art that the Peace Club students at Bryant Montessori created for Global Art for Peace. Today it will be shipped to China as a gift to the Xiamen Haicang School. The Global Art for Peace Projects matches individuals, froups and school with others around the world to exchange art that depicts their dream of peace. Between April 23rd and April 30th, These pieces of art are sent around the world in an art exchange. All these dreams of peace circling our globe...such a beautiful image, isn't it?

Our students send their piece with excitement. They are proud of the beautiful artwork they have created and the are inspired by the proclamation they wrote. The eagerly await the art from the Xiamen Haicang School.

The roots of the tree are made from the hand prints of 5 of the core students of the club, the fingerprints are from all the students in our middles school. The statement, written to the side of the tree was written by 5 of our middle school students. It reads:
We are Students for Peace.
We are magical.
We appreciate differences.
We honor tolerance, acceptance, intelligence and cooperation.
 We do not like war.
We believe everyone deserves basic human rights.
We believe in caring.
We believe in living sustainably and respecting the earth and all its creatures.
We believe that no one should be denied the opportunity to fulfill their potential.
We are agents of Peace.