Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Bryant Peace Committee 2010-11: Nutrition
• Provided Leadership training to 6 middle school students,
• Enrolled 30 students in our weekly afterschool peace program
• Organized a family Harvest for Health Dance at which we will kick off our
• Healthy Food Drive for Tacoma's Food Connection
• Designed and implemented and International Peace Day Assembly and rededicated ourselves as an International Peace Site,
• Started a tea garden in our school garden to provide herbal tea to classrooms.
• Began collecting recipes for a Healthy Kids Cookbook
• Bagged up over 500 individual servings of a protein mix for the Food Connections Back Pack Program
• Provided an after school class on non-violent communication training to the students in the peace committee
For the 2010-11 school year, the peace committee students have chosen Nutrition as their focus. To date we have
• Provided Leadership training to 6 middle school students,
• Enrolled 30 students in our weekly afterschool peace program
• Organized a family Harvest for Health Dance at which we will kick off our
• Healthy Food Drive for Tacoma's Food Connection
• Designed and implemented and International Peace Day Assembly and rededicated ourselves as an International Peace Site,
• Started a tea garden in our school garden to provide herbal tea to classrooms.
• Began collecting recipes for a Healthy Kids Cookbook
• Bagged up over 500 individual servings of a protein mix for the Food Connections Back Pack Program
• Provided an after school class on non-violent communication training to the students in the peace committee.
Other goals for the year include:
• Producing and selling a Healthy Kids Cookbook
• Promoting healthy snacks in our school and at school events
• Raising $5000.00 for Heifer Project in Africa
• Attending the Desmond Tutu event in May at the Tacoma Dome
• Organizing and Implementing an Earth Day Garden Fair and Parade of the Species
• Publish a monthly article on healthy food choices
• Purchasing, Painting and installing 4 more rain barrels on our school.
• Implement a compassionate schools and/or a non-violent communication program in our school.
Bryant Peace Committee 2009-10 - Water
We accomplished the following:
• We started a kindness campaign in our school. The students a kindness box that sits in the main office. Every classroom has forms available. When a student catches someone going out of their way to be kind, they report them by filling out a 'You were caught being kind" form. Once it is filled out they put it in the Kindness Box in the main office. Each week the peace committee collects the forms and creates a card for the student thanking them for the specific act they did to promote kindness, and the principal acknowledges highlights a few of the actions and the students who made them, over the intercom.
• We created our own green cleaning supplies, an all purpose spray and a creamy soft scrub that we sell to support our program.
• We made a peace dove out of 6 twin sheets, that has a wing span of 21 feet. This peace dove led our Parade of the Species on Earth Day and is used as a focal point in our assemblies as well as at community events.
• We took twelve of our peace committee members to a gathering at UW Tacoma to meet and listen to a Delegation of Japanese survivors of the Atomic Bomb. Our students made peace doves that the presented the delegation. Afterwards, UW installed their Peace Pole and our students were part of the celebration with their giant peace dove.
• We raised over $6000.00 to provide clean water and a school vegetable garden to the children of Las Maratos, Bolivia with Etta Projects by selling our green cleaning supplies, garden bulbs and plant starts, by starting an after school store on the playground each Friday and selling bug necklaces and organic suckers and by having a school wide coin drive.
• We applied for and were awarded a $2500.00 splash grant by the City of Tacoma. We utilized these funds to accomplish the following:
Over 275 elementary age students visited Puget Creek watershed to deepen their understanding of the connection between what we put down our storm drains and watershed health. One of our 5th grade students asked his teacher, "Are we still in Tacoma?"
We purchased 4 rain barrels for our school gardens. Our children's house, Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary and Middle School were each given a rain barrel to design and paint. These beautiful works of art were presented to the school on World Water Day and the afterwards installed on our school in time Approximately 450 children were involved in this project.
Envirochallenger presented Down the Storm Drain: Where does the flow go? to over 125 students.
The students and adults of the Bryant Peace Committee planned, organized and implemented a World Water Day Assembly for the 450 students and 50 staff members of our school.
We implemented an Earth Day Garden and Water Festival and Parade of the Species.
Our Earth Day garden party was open to the greater community. We had over 700 people attend and Over 40 vendor, activity and information booths educated and supported healthy garden practices.
Middle School students ran information booths and activities that showed examples of water cohesion and adhesion.
Students and their families made 10 worm compost bins. Families then took home the worm bins to foster them for the school. The compost will be used for our school garden.
We sent home weekly articles on water health to the 425 student families and we put a flyer that included the Salmon friendly gardening tips in the mailboxes of 400 homes.
We purchased books, school aquatic field guides, classroom aquifer models, music cds and videos for our classrooms and school library to increase student awareness of water health.
We purchased materials and built a 3 tier garden compost and tools for our school composting project.
Working with a local artist we created a watershed mosaic.
• We organized a Parade of the Species for Earth Day in which our giant peace dove led parents, students, staff, and neighbors around our hilltop neighborhood dressed as their favorite animals and carrying signs promoting protection of our watersheds.
Bryant Peace Committee 2008-09 Education
• We landscaped the front of our school to create a peace garden,
• Peace Banners were created that hang from the ceiling and go down our main hallway by our pre-k and kindergarten children
• We dedicated ourselves as Tacoma's first International Peace Site.
• We created a peace pole for our peace garden that stands over 6 feet tall and says, "May Peace Prevail on Earth" in 12 languages. The languages represent the heritage of the children in our school and the children in our neighborhood,
• We created an assembly for World Peace Day that has become an annual ritual. It is held each year on or around Sept. 21st.
• Each house created a banner to represent one of our values as a peace site. The banners represent Love, To Protect the Environment, To Promote Cultural Understanding, and to Seek peace within ourselves and others, These banners lead the peace parade at our dedication and now hang in our peace garden.
• We started an after school peace committee program for students
• At the urging of 10 year old, Nurhan, we started a Pennies for Peace Campaign and raised $9,000.00 to build a school in Afghanistan by collecting pennies.
Bryant Peace Committee
We kick off each year by rededicating ourselves as an International Peace Site at an assembly the peace committee creates for the International Day of Peace on September 21st. As a Peace Site we commit to the following:
Protect the environment;
Promote intercultural understanding and
Celebrate diversity;
Seek peace within ourselves and others;
Reach out in service, and
Be responsible citizens of the world.
At the assembly, each child creates a written or drawn expression of their commitment to be a peaceful citizen, and each classroom creates a peace pledge, which every child in the classroom signs and then 1 or 2 students present their classrooms pledge to the school at the assembly. Afterwards, the pledge is installed in their classroom. This has been a great way to begin our year and to clearly set our intention and rededicate ourselves as an International Peace Site.
Each year our students choose a focus topic and a continent which we then introduce at the Peace Assembly. We create our program around that focus and implement the focus topic on a personal, school-wide, community and global level. One of our goals is to choose a topic that our students may take for granted, like education and then create the opportunities to learn about the privilege and gift it really is and how the topic relates to peace.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
A Boy's Dream of a Disco Party for Peace
Sam's friends helped him by making artwork that was sold at a Kids Helping Kids art sale at the Disco Part for Peace. The Sunday School classes created artwork for the event. 10 year old, Elise held a beading party. She and her friends made necklaces, earrings, and bracelets to do their part for Peace. Families made a Peace Gnome, peace necklaces, kids from Bryant Montessori made peace bowls, handmade cards, and a peace table and a neighboring school made a peace pole. Students from the local Universities offered their assistance in putting on the event.
Sam wrote letters inviting almost 40 politicians and celebrities to the event. His list included: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Governor Gregoire, Dennis Kucinich, Mayor Baarsma, Norm Dicks, Superintendent Milligan, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Senator Debbie Regala, the Prime Minister of Australia, Ty Pennington, Ellen, Rosie, Oprah, Kelly Rippa, Regis Philban, The KOMO 4 News Team, Northwest Afternoon, Diane Sawyer, Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, Steve Martin, Robin Williams, Tima Allen, John Travolta, Jim Paige, Raffi, and the Wiggles. Senator Debbie Regala attended the event, Barack Obama had his staff call Sam and sent him a personal letter and Steve Martin sent Sam $100.00 towards his efforts.
As we prepared for the event, money started flowing in. When we sent our first check to JRS to help Sudanese Refugee children with school fees Sam was vibrating with excitement. “Those kids are going to be so excited, Mom. Let me show you how excited they will be…” He then drew a picture that had an outline of the United States and an outline of Africa. Up in the NW corner of the US was a stick figure of a boy holding his hand out giving the money. Then there was a picture of a plane flying from the US to Africa and then 3 stick children in Africa jumping up and down yelling “Yipee!!!"
Over 400 people attended the Disco Party for Peace on April 27, 2007. Over $15,300.00 was raised. This event was important because it educated others on the plight of children in our world, it brought families together to dance, create art and have fun together for a common purpose, and it allowed children to have an impact on their world. In his letter to politicians and celebrities Sam wrote, "I want to help these children because I think it is right. I want the children to know that I care about them." Amen, Sam, Amen.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
A Wholistic Approach to Water Education
The motto of Bryant Montessori is : Care for yourself. Care for this place. Care for each other." With that in mind the students of the Bryant Montessori Peace committee set out this year to devote their focus on water. We have focused our efforts in the following ways:
Caring for Yourself - As we have studied water we have learned that our own bodies, like our world, are over 60% water. We have discovered that how we think, what we say and what we do can drastically affect the waters of our own body. Our kind thoughts and actions make our bodies healthier and stronger. In light of this, To care for ourselves, we started a school wide kindness campaign.
Caring for This Place - We have been learning about the water cycle, visiting local watersheds and exploring the connection of our storm drains to our watershed health and the health of our salmon population. The peace committee purchased 4 rain barrels. These rain barrels were then painted and made into works of art by students in each grade level. Soon they will be installed on our school
Care for Each Other - We have partnered with Etta Projects, a local non-profit to provide clean water and fresh vegetables to the children who live in the remote village of Las Maratos, Bolivia. We are committed to raise $6000.00. These funds will allow us to provide a water distribution system to each home and to the school of Las Maratos as well as provide 1 year of training and supplies for a school garden. The children of Las Maratos eat yucca, rice and perhaps an egg each day. This vegetables from this garden will really help them get the vitamins and nutrients their bodies need. Fro more information on Etta Projects, go to
To help raise these funds the Bryant Peace Committee has been selling the following items:
Peace in Every Drop multipurpose spray and soft scrub. These all natural items are made by the students.
Norwex Enviro Cloths - these cloths are antibacterial microfiber cloths. These cloths remove 99% of the bacteria from a surface with just water.
Plants for your garden at or go to double click on find an organization. Insert Bryant and double click on our name when it appears in the list.
If you cannot wait to help these students reach their goal, you can support them by going to and making a donation today!